Sunday, March 26, 2017

Some quilting is going on...

It's been a long couple of weeks - we helped make pies to benefit our church mission team. I roll pie dough and it really bothers my back. It takes time to recover. It's one of those things that happens every 6 months and I hate to let my team down. I have pain but it is not doing damage to my back so I'll probably continue. I think we made around 350 pies this time. At least we are done for 6 months.

Other than playing with dough,  I've been quilting my Kaffe Fassett quilt. I am free motioning feathers - LOTS of feathers. I'm close to halfway.  I can only free motion quilt for a while and  then I need a break so it takes me a while to get a quilt finished.

I draw a stem and then add the feathers. I don't have a plan other than to draw another stem and add more feathers.

I have a retreat coming up this weekend. Isn't sewing with friends the best?! I really like to kit my quilts before I go so I can do most of my cutting on my cutting table which is a great height for me. 

I have quite a few of these half square triangles done. My plan is to make Emerald Isle by Missouri Star Quilt Company. Of course, one can do lots of things with HSTs. 

I also have these blocks made. The pattern is Four Patch Charm Quilt by I think I'll call the quilt Tamarack. Ray can't wait to have this one done- we both love the colors. I began with a four patch of 5" blue/green squares and a 10" white square. After putting right sides together, I sewed 1/4" around the four edges. Then I cut on the diagonals and squared each piece to 6 1/4".

I think I have 7 quilts traveling with me to the retreat. All fabrics are from my stash. Maybe I'll make some progress. More important though, I plan to enjoy some friends that I don't get to see very often.

Tomorrow I should clean. . . but it's foggy and rainy and cool. It might be a great day for quilting!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Whew - - - it's done! My clean-out-this-stash project is finished!

This is the last quilt - TPP aka Teal-Pink-Purple. 

This quilt is 62" square. I used my quilting rulers to cross hatch this with a free-motion foot rather than marking straight lines.

I used Aurifil thread for the piecing and the quilting and Dream Cotton Batting. The back is a soft lavender and has some of the leftover blocks.

The binding has all of the colors of the quilt.

23 quilts are done and 22 will be or have been donated. I used the few fabrics in my stash that were not my favorites and many not-so-big pieces leftover from other quilts. I began this project 6-months ago in September, 2016. The flannel leader-ender project, started at the same time is still ongoing - those 3 quilts will be finished by next winter. 

I hope to keep my stash a little more under control - this was ridiculous. I'm so glad that these quilts will now go to people who can use them.

Here is a quick recap of the other 22 scrap quilts:

Grandsons' Donation Quilt

Turtle Quilt

Baby Elephants

Brights with White Squares


What's next? I still have a huge stash It does fit into my studio though and in addition to piecing the three flannel leader/ender quilts, I have my Kaffe Fassett quilt from last September to quilt.  I also have six other quilts started using just fabric that I own. It's hard to believe I used to only work on one quilt at a time. I don't think I'll have any problem staying busy...

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Brights with White Squares and one more Chemo Hat are finished

Happy National Quilting Day! I spend all morning rolling pie dough - our team is again making pies to benefit our churches'  mission teams. Later I will spend some time stitching. Yay!

Brights with White Squares is finished. It is 57" by 69" - a really nice size to snuggle under. This is another donation quilt from my  clean-out-this-stash project.

The pattern is Piece Out, from Missouri Star Quilt Company's Block magazine. I think the only change I made to the pattern is that I used one border instead of two. A friend made this in black and white with the little squares in bright colors - it was gorgeous!

This is free motion quilted with a stipple loop pattern. The loops are the sizes of nickels and quarters. Of course, I used Aurifil thread and Dream Cotton batting.

I love the back on this quilt - it's orange!

It is rather busy but neat.


I  finished another Chemo Hat. This is made from Bamboo Pop. I think it's a very happy color.

Now it is time to sit down and stitch...

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Child Bricks, My Stars, and more Chemo Hats are finished

Child Bricks is finished.  The bricks are 4" by 8" finished and the quilt measures 56" by 60". All of the bricks are either plain colors or relate to things kids like. This is another quilt from my clean-out-this-stash project.

I used Aurifil thread and Dream Cotton batting. I really like having the entire quilt made of cotton. The back has a few small bricks.

The entire donation quilt is 7 bricks by 15 bricks. I quilted it with a square stipple using my quilting rulers but I not sure you can see the quilting in the photos. Maybe some child will be able to use the back as roads for their toy cars.


My Stars is also finished. This is another donation quilt from my clean-out-this-stash project.

Using my quilting rulers, I quilted the stars in straight lines radiating out from the center of the star. 

Then I did a large stipple with various large flowers around the stars. 

The small orange border is feathers while the outside striped border is a large stipple. 

The corners are flowers.

The back is pieced with all orange and yellow polka-dot fabrics - I do love orange!
This photo is a little washed out.
This quilt is 48" by 48" and I used Aurifil thread and Dream Cotton batting.

I have also finished a couple more Chemo Hats. These are both made from Bamboo Pop, a bamboo and cotton yarn.

Both of these are very soft and lightweight.
Today Ray and I spent a number of hours making pies for our church. Twice a year, our team takes orders and then makes pies with the proceeds going to our mission team. It was the perfect day, after all, today is  3-14, pi day!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Red and White Squares and a Few Hats

I guess I haven't posted for a while. Hmmm, I must be busy - I know I'm not bored! 

I finished Red and White Squares. This 49" by 60" quilt is a variation of Missouri Star Quilt Company's Floating Stars. This quilt is part of my clean-out-this-stash project -  there are only 4 more quilts to finish. I've already started working on other projects but you will see those 4 finishes before any other quilts get done!

I quilted this donation quilt in a crosshatch grid pattern using my quilt rulers.

I used Dream Cotton batting and Aurifil thread. The back has some of the leftover blocks from the front.


I've been knitting some donation hats. My 'local' yarn shop the closest one to us is collecting Chemo Hats for Halos of Hope. I decided to use some of my leftover yarn and some free patterns to make a few hats. I'm making more - it's a great use for leftover yarn.


I've been kitting some projects for an upcoming retreat. I wanted one more project but then I saw two quilts that I really wanted to make. They both have batiks. I love batiks! I have them both cut out and ready to go. I just pulled fabrics from my stash - I still have plenty 😊


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