Sunday, September 29, 2024

Table Runners Done!

A while back, we decided we needed new table runners for our family room which has a behind the sofa table and four side/end tables. Two of the smaller tables only needed one runner while the others each needed two. That meant I needed to make/replace 8 table runners. 

Ray requested somewhat neutral colors and I went through my stash and shopped for ideas for months.  I finally decided on pale blue and browns batiks with cream colored cottons, mostly from scraps in my stash.

While we were living in Madison this summer, I worked on designing the different mats and also possible ways to quilt them.  

First  is the sofa table mat, quilted with Linen #10WG1 Glide thread in straight lines.

The bottom mat for the sofa table  is shown on the top of the table. It is quilted with meandering using Light Tan #24655 Glide thread. In hindsight, I wish I would have used a lighter colored thread but I wasn't going to rip all the quilting out!

The rest of the mats are quilted with Light Tan #24655 thread. The two mats for the smaller table tops are shown on oak but they'll actually be on darker wood tables. Both are made with HSTs (half square triangles). I used a Plover grid design on the first and an apple core design on the second.

The next four mats are interchangeable among the tops and bottoms of two oak tables. The courthouse steps mat is quilted with straight lines and small circles in the dark brown corner squares.

I found a very old pattern that used a simplified Celtic design and decided to use it with a variety of small squares. This is quilted with a wavy grid design.

The last two mats are made mostly with strips and the leftover HSTs from the HST mats. The second one also has a few small leftover pieces near the left end. These are both quilted with a variety of motifs.

All of the table mats are backed and bound with a light brown cotton.

A very bright quilt appeared on the design wall recently as I finished a quarter square triangle top.

This turquoise triangle quilt top is also finished.

Recently, we went to a local orchard on a gorgeous day. We've been enjoying lots of apples, cider, donuts, and more!

Life is pretty good here. Although not actually normal, it's much better than it has been and we're hoping it keeps getting better! 


  1. Congratulations on finishing up that gorgeous set of table runners, Jeanne! Nice work on those right design wall quilts, as well. Oh! It's apple season already? Yum!!!

  2. Lots of great finishes! Congrats! I like the 2 tops you are working on. I haven't seen any apple stands near hear this year. Strange.



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