I really don't like posting about my health but I agreed to so here goes.
I was at the Advanced Pain Management Clinic again yesterday and I am now learning that this is not going to be a short process. There are methods that need to be followed - procedures will be done and by a process of elimination, I hope to have less back pain some day. Surgery may be in the future but there is no guarantee that will work either. Anyway, I never know what is going to happen next because the doctor decides based upon all of the data that his office collects from me between appointments.
Silly me, I just though yesterday would be another cortisone shot and I'd feel good! Well, based on the success of the cortisone shot for the sciatic nerve pain, I received 6 bilateral injections to freeze the nerves in my lower back for about 6 hours. The shots were painful - all were right at the nerve endings but, thank goodness, there was no real drama! The next procedure (one week from now) depends on the success of this one. I was far from pain free during those 6 hours, so I have no idea what to expect next.
Last month I was told to listen to my body and stop when there was pain. The good news now is that I can resume some of my life and try to work through the pain. Most things will not cause more damage. I can also stand straight again so most people can't tell anything is wrong.