Saturday, October 19, 2024

Fall Travels

It was time to get out and about. So, a couple of weeks ago, we spent some time at Anderson Gardens in Rockford, IL. There was some fall color.

On our way home, we stopped at a Wild Life Observatory where we saw many fallow deer.

A few days later, we packed the Jeep and headed north for our first vacation since Ray's recurring cancer diagnosis. We stopped for lunch at Kickapoo Corners in Reedstown, WI. The special was an apple burger - a burger with a slice of apple, Swiss cheese, grilled onions, and barbecue sauce on a toasted bun. It was really good!

We stayed in Eau Claire, WI for three nights with no specific plans other than to enjoy ourselves and get plenty of rest. The first afternoon was spent resting (Ray still tires easily) and then going in search of the northern lights.

On the second day, we went to Augusta, WI to find Dells Mill. It was a mill that was on Ray's list to photograph.

The mill is owned by an Amish family, and they had some baked goods for sale inside the building. Good cookies!

Part of the third day was spent at Falls Creek County Park. At the north entrance, we walked to the river but couldn't get a picture of the larger falls, so we drove to the south entrance and hiked down some trails to get the pictures Ray wanted. I was happy to have my hiking boots and walking sticks.

The 'dirty bubble' of foam just stayed in the same area as the water came over the falls.

We did do a little shopping - after all, we were in a city with nice stores! There are two quilt shops in Eau Claire but one is only open on Thursdays from 10-3 so we missed it this time. The other is quite small but I enjoyed my visit with the lady working and found some yellow fabric I needed. 

From Eau Claire, we headed west to visit my aunt and two cousins and then north to visit my brothers and sister-in-law. It was wonderful to see everyone and share some time together. We had beautiful sunrises.

The trees/leaves were gorgeous.

Our last stop before heading home was La Crosse, WI. We both attended and graduated from the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse many years ago, and love the area. We were there for my birthday and I found a quilt show to attend! Quilt Fest on the Mississippi is put on by the La Crosse Area Quilters. There were a variety of quilts, but I found the same pattern quilts done in different colors/fabrics the most interesting. Here is an example.

They also had an exhibit of Hmong quilts. I was so enthralled with the reverse appliqué of their quilts that I didn't take any photos. I did get a picture of this story quilt showing the life of a Hmong family from Taos to Thailand. Now, I wish I had taken some closeup shots of the detail.

This morning, we headed home with a visit to an apple orchard on the way. We are unpacked; the laundry is done; and a hockey game is on TV. We are very grateful to have been able to take this trip.

May you be strengthened by yesterday’s rain, 
walk straight in tomorrow’s wind 
and cherish each moment of the sun today.
- Ojibwe Saying

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Just in time for Pumpkin Season

I bought a kit with this pattern while shop-hopping with friends in August and I thought I'd get it made because it's pumpkin season!

The Villa Rosa patterns are easy to use and if I was one to pay attention, this would have been quick and easy to cut out and put together. But... I got out a large 12 1/2" square ruler and promptly made the first cuts into the fat quarters- 10 1/2" by 12 1/2". Oops! Of course there wasn't enough fabric to cut the right size (10 1/2" by 14") so I re-wrote the pattern.

I decided to make a few other changes along the way so I'll say my runner was inspired by this pattern. Someday, maybe I'll make the original (a day when I'm paying attention!). My pumpkins are all different sizes than the original and the corners are rounded.

I quilted this, using Glide #10430 Battleship Gray thread, on the longarm using stippling in the background and figure eights on the green stems. Each of the pumpkins is quilted differently - spirals, a large continuous flower, ocean waves, paisley, and double loops with an echo. 

I used leftover strips and some orange fabric from my stash on the back of this 42 1/2" by 14" runner.

The design wall has this on it today. It's an experiment, just something I've seen and wanted to try, and I think the quilt will be interesting. I don't have to pay attention to a pattern so that helps!

Hope you enjoy the weekend!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Table Runners Done!

A while back, we decided we needed new table runners for our family room which has a behind the sofa table and four side/end tables. Two of the smaller tables only needed one runner while the others each needed two. That meant I needed to make/replace 8 table runners. 

Ray requested somewhat neutral colors and I went through my stash and shopped for ideas for months.  I finally decided on pale blue and browns batiks with cream colored cottons, mostly from scraps in my stash.

While we were living in Madison this summer, I worked on designing the different mats and also possible ways to quilt them.  

First  is the sofa table mat, quilted with Linen #10WG1 Glide thread in straight lines.

The bottom mat for the sofa table  is shown on the top of the table. It is quilted with meandering using Light Tan #24655 Glide thread. In hindsight, I wish I would have used a lighter colored thread but I wasn't going to rip all the quilting out!

The rest of the mats are quilted with Light Tan #24655 thread. The two mats for the smaller table tops are shown on oak but they'll actually be on darker wood tables. Both are made with HSTs (half square triangles). I used a Plover grid design on the first and an apple core design on the second.

The next four mats are interchangeable among the tops and bottoms of two oak tables. The courthouse steps mat is quilted with straight lines and small circles in the dark brown corner squares.

I found a very old pattern that used a simplified Celtic design and decided to use it with a variety of small squares. This is quilted with a wavy grid design.

The last two mats are made mostly with strips and the leftover HSTs from the HST mats. The second one also has a few small leftover pieces near the left end. These are both quilted with a variety of motifs.

All of the table mats are backed and bound with a light brown cotton.

A very bright quilt appeared on the design wall recently as I finished a quarter square triangle top.

This turquoise triangle quilt top is also finished.

Recently, we went to a local orchard on a gorgeous day. We've been enjoying lots of apples, cider, donuts, and more!

Life is pretty good here. Although not actually normal, it's much better than it has been and we're hoping it keeps getting better! 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Another Potato Chip Quilt

We've been home for almost two months and I've stayed busy. Lots of produce has been frozen and dehydrated. I just finished 5 large batches of applesauce, some apple crisp, and apple bars for the freezer. Now I'm  looking forward to getting more apples for slicing and freezing/drying and then the freezers will be full!

Ray is doing well. He has more energy and is riding his bike again; he is getting close to his goal of riding 14 miles a day. We both gets a good amount of rest each day and are enjoying a more normal life.

I have found time to do some quilting and have a finish. The Potato Chip Quilt is just one large block. I think this is the last bundle of fabric that I have from my late friend Colleen. It was a fat quarter bundle and I didn't have anything in my stash to go with it so I tried to use large pieces to get the largest quilt possible.

This donation quilt is 57" by 58". 

Using Glide #30281 Blueberry thread on my long arm, I quilted this with a Square Fishbone motif - I marked the design and used rulers.

The back and binding are a navy fabric from my stash. I also used the leftover pieces of fabric on the back.

I have a variety of projects in progress including another potato chip quilt using bright scraps. Here is a peek:

For some reason, I have lots of table runners in the works. Here are a few:

This flannel quilt is actually on the long arm frame now.

More finishes are coming. The pile of projects that need binding hand stitched is larger than I ever remember. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

A Walk at Rutherford Refuge

Things are going well here and we are staying busy. One of these days I'll have some quilt finishes. In the meantime, I'll share a post that I forgot to post at the end of July. 

One morning, in late July, we decided  to walk in a relatively new Conservation Area which is very close to us. Rutherford Refuge was dedicated in 2021.

This is what we saw as we pulled into the parking area.

The trail was just to the right as we pulled in and it was nicely mowed one.

We found a few wildflowers.

We could see clear Creek Creek and later would cross it.

I love the way this weed had feelers attached to other weeds.


The walk was up and down hills but also level in some spots. We were glad we wore hiking boots.

Our first visit was short; next time we will explore more.   We look forward to a pretty hike in the fall.


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