Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Basin and more

Today we went to The Basin. On the way, heading south on 93, we passed this mountain with many ski slopes. Did you notice the beautiful weather?!

First stop was The Basin. It was a short walk but there was white water everywhere!

It wasn't just one run - I'm not sure you can see the water to the left.

And then it was like a luge track! The stone was worn smooth and very rounded.

Another view of the 'luge' area

Next was a small waterfall

and then The Basin.

From the sign: The Basin  
This large pothole in the Pemigewasset River, 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet deep, had its beginning some 25,000 years ago as the Ice Age came to a close. Water flowing from the melting glacier that filled Franconia Notch eroded the solid granite bedrock. During the thousands of years that followed sand and stones were whirled around by the force of the river causing a boring action that left the sidewalls smooth. …
      The great American naturalist Henry David Thoreau, on his first trip to the White Mountains in September of 1839 stood here, as you do, and watched the water cascade into the granite bowl and whirlpool around its walls. He would later write in his Journal, “this pothole is perhaps the most remarkable curiosity of its kind in New England.”
      Samuel Eastman in his 1858 White Mountain Guide called this spot “One of the beautiful haunts of Nature, a luxurious and delicious bath fit for the ablutions of a goddess.”

As we headed back to the parking lot, we saw another small waterfall.

Many of the trees are just budding out.

We arrived at the handicapped viewing area above The Basin so we were able to look down at it.

I really should have put my feet in the water while we were at The Basin - there were a couple of spots that would have worked. Oh well...

Driving on, we turned onto highway 112 going west. We found Beaver Pond but there weren't any beavers! It was very windy.

I turned and took a photo of the scenery behind me.

We found the Swiftwater Covered Bridge near the intersection of highways 112 and 302. This was built in 1849.

The Swiftwater Falls were under the bridge. Ray hiked a little further down but I didn't like the footing.

I looked for an alternate path and got a little closer. There was a lady panning for gold (I assume?!) just a few feet from where Ray was taking pictures. 

Just a little further down the road, we found some guys with sluice boxes set up. Maybe there really is gold in those White Mountains!

We turned onto highway 302 and stopped to see the Bath Covered Bridge built in 1832. Most of the bridges are 50' - 300'. This is much longer at 374' 6".  

I wanted to be sure you read the sign at the top of the bridge: "One Dollar Fine to drive any team faster than a walk on this bridge". Ray drove slowly across hoping not to get fined!

I tried a panoramic shot.

On the far side of the bridge in the above photo are falls. Notice the iconic white church in the background.

We had hoped to stop at The Brick Store in Bath - the oldest general store. Sadly, it closed January first. 

We went on to Littleton and found a park for a late lunch.

Heading toward 'home' on highway 302, we stopped at The Rocks Estate. I guess I was more interested in the views than the buildings.

A panoramic shot to the north, I think.

The flowering trees are blooming here and the wildflowers are just beginning to appear. The New Hampshire state flower is the purple lilac and they are now blooming. And I love the smell.

Tomorrow is a travel day. We are headed to Maine.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad the man's face fell off the mountain a few years ago. That was a sight to see. Enjoy Maine - lots of beautiful areas. If in the Wells/Agunquet area hit The Egg and I for breakfast. If Bar Harbor - there is a wonderful restaurant right before the entrance to the Cat ferry. Wonderful lobster. =). Enjoy. Also - have to hit the flagship store for LLBean if in Maine.



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